Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A stranger

Like a stranger
I walk,
amongst my own.
I speak,
hoping to be heard by ears now deaf.
I wait,
for words of care from lips now dumb.

seeking a warmth of understanding,
I run,
from the strangers silent and known
to find myself,
amongst strangers silent and unknown.

A stranger, I am
on a quest,
to find a place,
where I am a stranger no more,
where faces are warm and familiar,
where I can be me and not seem strange.

I shall walk on,
on the roads unworn...
to a destination unknown.


Anonymous said...

Profound. Loved it totally :)

sabari .p said...


Kyra said...

@nidhi glad u like it :)

Kyra said...

@sabari thanku :)

Surubhi said...

very very beautifully said meeta :)

Kyra said...

@surubhi thanku :)

ani_aset said...

awesome meeta loved it!!

Kyra said...

@ani thanku :)