Monday, August 23, 2010

I Believe..

Every spoken word...every random deed...every chance encounter...every touch leaves an imprint on the sands of leaving behind a memory in the hearts and minds of the one's we touch while walking through the journey of life.

             And even when this life fades away and we cease to exist...a part of that soever tiny continues to live the memory of our deeds, our times passed on as a word of kindness, at times remembered with fondness & gratitude, at times quoted as an example of a good deed...& thus through the fabric of time...We live on through our deeds.

 It doesn't mater how long a life we life, what matters is how we live the life, that we lived, even if for a few moments.

These words of Ben Jonson, are the gist of what i wrote above,

 A lily of a day,
Is fairer far in May,
Although it droop and die that night,
It was the plant and flow'r of light.
In small proportions we just beauties see;
And in short measures, life may perfect be.