Friday, April 30, 2010

 I walked in the dark nights,
 in the forest of myriad thoughts & dreams, 
like a silent lamb,
      a barren tree,
              a deserted shanty...

I walked on in quest of my path, 
I heard the wind, 
I felt the earth,
                    I listened to the song of life..

and at dawn,
 lying in the embrace of the dying night,
being caressed by the rays of rising sun,

 I found my road.........

waiting to be laid,
 by the strokes of my hands.


Phantom said...

When stillness speaks its a beauty on its own. Loved reading this poem its beautiful.

Kyra said...

@Phantom Thanku..glad u liked it :)

Danish said...

Refreshing :)
Seems like thoughts of someone who can connect with nature and her dark as well as bright manifestations.
Keep writing... :)

Kyra said...

@danishctc thanku danish :)

Vivek said...

A tinge of Robert Frost should I say... and still so fresh in your own unique style... :)

Kyra said...

@vivek thanku for the comment...I grew up reading's a huge compliment

serendipity said...

its lovely meeta

the whole creation

Kyra said...

@Serendipity thanku neerjaji :)

thePrimate said...

love the last two lines especially you realise you shape your own destiny...really nicely expressed

Kyra said...

@the primate thanku brian :)

Aditya Nandode said...
