Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I Believe..

It's not the weakness of our will but the bond of our love which chains us to the one's we love, that hurts us....and such is the Strength of this love.....that one can go on enduring this pain in silence,  not once but time again,  rather than walking away free, leaving behind the one's we love in pain.....

                                                   While we shall endure
                                                    A thousand silent tears,
                                                    countless bleeding wounds..                     
                                                    multitudes of pain..

                                                   shall all lay forgotten,
                                                   beneath that precious smile...
                                                   which is the ray of light..
                                                   that enlightens the darkness of life.



Aditya Nandode said...

So true! :)

baavriviti said...

makes sense. staying requires much more strength than leaving behind a love's chains.

Kyra said...

@viti different facets of love.

Shakthi said...

Brilliant and very true !

Kyra said...

@shakthi thanku :)