Dreams are the first step on the road to make things happen... the pursuit of the dreams is the second step...but the toughest step is to pursue those dreams with the determination that is needed to turn them alive in this world, that we live in....
People console themselves or are consoled by others, by saying dreaming is half the task done...pursuing is having lived the dream.....But the truth is that dreaming isn't getting us anywhere, neither is pursuing....It's only holding on to that determination that matters..to make it or break it....
I dream, I decide to pursue, I know I have the strength to make it, within but I lack the determination & discipline to hang on to the pursuit......I'm a failed dreamer...I am a mere yarn weaver.
I don't agree...coz I know that not only do you have the determination but you also have the focus to carry them thru. So dream on girl....if not all you'll be able to turn plenty of dreams into reality :)
@Surubhi *silent smile*
who has not failed himself in this life at least once...but the one who succeeded eventually moved on, so that he might not fail again...
@Adee but there are very few who have failed themselves knowingly...they'r termed fools..I'm one of them
Then again, most are!
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