संगीत संजोय मूक बन कर बैठे थे पंछी सभी,
ऑस रुपी आसुओं के भोझ से थकीं, मुरझा गयीं टहनियां सबहीं,
ठंडी हवा के थपेड़ों की मार से,
ठिठुर कर सहमी, टक टकी लगाये,
बैठी थी हर एक ज़िन्दगी,
इस इंतज़ार में ,
की कब कोहरे की चादर को हटाकर,
अपने गरम गरम हाथों से
सहलाएगी वसंत की धूप सुनहरी |
मुस्कुरा उठीं कलियाँ,
कहकहा उठे पंछी,
झूम उठीं फिर से टहनियां,
लहलहा उठा जीवन,
नाच उठी प्रकृति ,
ऋतुराज वसंत की नाद के ताल पर|
amazing !! very nice meeta :)
captured spring's moment in just the right way...
@Pragya thanx :)
awesome poetry yaar..this one is way way ahead ..what maturity :)..love it totally..add a picture too..put one soon that goes with it :)
@ani_aset thanku..bt this poem like my other hindi poems was written in just the spur of a moment :)
amazing SD
i loved it. this is certainly refreshing, topical and shows a good grasp over language and emotions. though i wud have liked a better control over the spellings :D
and wen u get time, so check this too
Thanx HD
and for the spellings you know how poor I am in Hindi..bt i'm learning :)
Checked your link..some of the words are tough..bt i link the post script that you have written :)
This is absolutely beautiful meeta... you reminded me of Ramdhari Singh Dinkar... keep it up :-)
@vivek errrr...thanks ya..bt that was really a massive comparision :)
Bahut badhiya!!!
ati sundar
i love this :)
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